Press page

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Recently Clonable was in the press:

Podcast - Niels Arts a guest on podcast 'On your way to 20 million': Internationalizing and translating your webshop
Niels Arts, as co-owner of Clonable, was invited during Webwinkel Vakdagen to talk about Clonable and online internationalization strategies for online stores.
Media attention: Clonable in KVK Innovation Top 100
Clonable was nominated for the KVK Innovation Top 100, eventually ranking Clonable in place 79.
Clonable named in podcast Daniel Kuipers
Our tool Clonable was mentioned in Daniël Kuipers' podcast with Alex van Ginneken. Around the 22nd minute when they were talking about internationalization and Ai.
Media coverage of cloning website for soccer club PSV Eindhoven
Following the cloning of PSV's website into different languages, the Eindhovens Dagblad made an article about the company and why PSV chose to do this.
Clonable mentioned in BNR radio show
During the radio program 'Werkverkenners' of BNR Nieuwsradio our tool Clonable was introduced during the section 'AI in Action' as a good way for international scaling up by entrepreneur and business coach Alex van Ginneken. Thanks for mentioning and introducing it to the Dutch radio audience.
News release: attention to our investment round
In the second half of 2023, Clonable held an investment round and it was covered on Emerce.
Interview RFO: Crossing borders easily with your website? Read these 3 tips
Prior to the annual Netherlands Export Event (NEX), co-owner Niels Arts was interviewed by the RVO and asked for tips on how entrepreneurs can internationalize online.
Radio broadcast: Clonable at Hour of Pure
Niels Arts was invited to ★ Anna-Maria Giannattasio in the radio broadcast Hour of Pure, where he got to tell something about Clonable.
News release: Clonable Startup of the month at Ruhrhub
Clonable was voted startup of the month January 2023 by Ruhrhub.
News release: local CDA visiting Clonable
CDA Gemert-Bakel wanted to know what lives and plays in the municipality. Periodically they visit a company in our municipality. This time it was the turn of Clonable.
News release: Eindhovens Dagblad full page on Clonable
News release: Eindhovens Dagblad full page on Clonable
News release: Minister President NRW visits Clonable during Digital Demo Day
Minister President Hendrik Wüst of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (population 18 million), together with Dutch Consul General of Düsseldorf Peter Schuurman, performed a demo at the Gemert startup Clonable during the Digital Demo Day in Düsseldorf.
Podcast: Niels Arts as a guest at LEKKER Anders 'Wie Deine Website 1,2,3 in eine andere Sprache geklont wird
In an episode of the podcast "LEKKER Anders," Anouk Ellen Susan talks with Niels Arts of Clonable.
Article on Clonable in Markt magazine: German-Dutch economic magazine MARKT
Clonable in magazine Markt: German-Dutch economic magazine MARKT
News release: Clonable nominated for Breda Startup Award
Even before it was officially a separate company, Clonable was nominated for the Breda Startup Award 2021.
News release on Innovation House de Peel website
On July 6, an article appeared on the Innovation House de Peel website about Clonable:

Media content

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About Clonable

Clonable began as online marketing agency Wecommerce in 2011. In 2017, they faced the challenge of protecting Hockeygear from margin pressure. This led to the search for alternative strategies, including entering international markets without huge advertising budgets. However, the idea of setting up separate webshops for each new market proved too costly, leading to the development of Clonable in 2019 through a collaboration between online marketing experts and a talented programmer. Clonable evolved quickly and introduced a translation feature in 2021, resulting in significant growth and interest at events such as the Webwinkel Vakdagen in Utrecht. The goal of Clonable is to make smart marketing and efficient website management accessible to business owners, with a focus on saving time and money. With Clonable, websites can be easily copied, translated and maintained, allowing businesses to achieve their goals more effectively.

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